“Baby Boppers” – for 2 and 3 year olds
We are reintroducing “Baby Boppers” a dance class for 2 – 3 year olds (Boys and Girls) accompanied by a parent – Mum or Dad (or grandparent/carer).
Baby Boppers is a fun class and an introduction to dance, movement and music for parents and young children to do together.
The class will be held at the URC Hall on Saturday Mornings from 11.15am – 11.45am.
If your child is already two years old or turns two before 31st March and would like to come along for a Free Trial please come along on Saturday 6th February. After the free trial if you wish to continue with classes they will start after February Half term and be invoiced half termly £27 per half term.
No need to register in advance, registration forms will be available on the day.
No special dancewear required just something that is easy to move in and trainers or similar.
If you are interested in a place for your child who turns two after 31st March please email us and we will put your child on our waiting list to start in the term in which they turn two. Email address zoe.buntingforddance@gmail.com
From three years old children can transfer to Baby Ballet and from age four can start Tap and Modern.
Baby Boppers is where many of our Senior Boys started out dancing.
If you know anyone with young children please spread the wordabout this new class.
If you have any questions please contact us:-
email zoe.buntingforddance@gmail.com
Website www.buntingfordschoolofdance.co.uk
Facebook: Buntingford School of Dance
Twitter: @BuntSchoolDance