As you are aware we are holding our Choreography competiton this Saturday 6th December 2015 at Freman College in the Hall at 3pm.
All pupils and parents are welcome to come along and watch even if your child is not participating. We are charging a small admission fee to watch the competition and all proceeds will go to our Costume Fund. We will have a short interval with refreshments available. Please enter by the main entrance.
If anyone has any tombola donations (new items) or cakes (no nuts) for the refreshment stall please bring them along on Saturday morning please.
For those of you with children participating please note the following:-
You may arrive at Freman from 2.45pm and enter through the main entrance
We will start promptly at 3pm. We will have a detailed running order available on the day.
The general order will be Babies (3-5 yrs) Juniors (6-9yrs) interval Intermediates (10-12 yrs) seniors (13yrs +)
Music should be on CD.
Children must be supervised by a parent back stage and on the stage.
Some of our senior girls will be available to do hair and make up from 2.45pm for a donation of £2.
Changing Rooms and Gym will be available for changing.
Competitors may watch for free the sections they are not competing in.
Adjudication will take place at the end of the afternoon. We will have certificates and report sheets for all entrants and medals for the winners in each age group.
We hope everyone has an enjoyable afternoon whether performing or watching.