We are now offering our Street Dance Workshops to children of school years Reception – Year 2.
The first class is at the URC Hall Buntingford on Thursday 5th June 5.30 – 6.15pm. Cost £5
I would like to present an exciting opportunity to complement our existing schedule of classes.
We currently have a Street Dance specialist and dancer from the 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony coming to Buntingford and teaching Street Dance workshops for our children from year 3 upwards.
We would now like to offer this to our younger pupils of School Reception age to School Year 2
So, we are inviting pupils to dig out their coolest tracky bottoms, vest tops, and trainers and join in…
The first class on Thursday 5th June is FREE OF CHARGE! as follows;
School Years Reception – Year 2 @ 5.30pm – 6.15pm
Venue: The URC Hall, Baldock Road, Buntingford.
We can offer 15 places per class, so if you would like to take part please email Zoe Eaglesfield to book your place; zoe.buntingforddance@gmail.com A list will be drawn up on a first come first served basis, and Zoe will confirm prior to the class if you have been allocated a place. Please note you cannot just turn up without booking your free trial place.
We hope we can then offer classes roughly every other Thursday (exact dates will be published in advance) on a book by the class basis at £5 per class.
The remaining classes this term are 19th June and 3rd July – so please book if your child would like to attend.
We still have some spaces available in our other sessions as shown below if you have older children who are interested.
School Years 3, 4 and 5 @ 6.15 – 7.00pm
School Years 6 + @ 7.00 – 7.45pm
We hope you would like to join in, but remember to get your name down quickly if so!…
Please reply to zoe.buntingforddance@gmail.com
To download these details please Click Here